I came across this little spiel on another blog, and i couldn't help but laugh at how much it sounded like me, both as a child who was alone for 6 years, and me now, and yes i agree our childhood traits to explain our adult behaviour, so enjoy loverrs :)
"When I was little I was obsessed with Barbies. The game went something like this.
There was:
My favourite Barbie (a limited edition Levi's Barbie from the states), A Ken with a shave-able beard, Mobile telephone Stacey, a Gymnastics Skipper and a Nursery Kellie.
They lived in a 2 storey pink Victorian Dream house with an electric elevator, a door bell and a massive fold out balcony. Daily activities included, going to my Barbie supermarket, my Barbie hair salon, my Barbie day care or my Barbie Stables (where my horse Nibbles lived). We would travel there in either my convertible, picnic wagon, horse trailer or camper van. I also hold a Barbie "Fold n Fun" House and a travel house that turned into a suitcase on wheels with a pull along handle that accompanied me on family holidays.
I had similar childhood obsessions with polly pockets, the litttlest pet shop and my little pony.
Now I would often have friends come over and want to play with my Barbie's with me and I wouldn't want them to. I had a particular way of playing and my game had a particular continuing storyline that I couldn't just have anyone come in and fuck with. True here we see the beginings of an obsessive compulsive control freak, but we also see someone who is creative, imaginative and capable of entertaining herself and enjoying her own company. I think I am still this little girl. Its not like I don't enjoy company, its not like I don't have alot of friends, but if someone isn't prepared to play the game my way I am content to go it alone. Being an only child until the age of 6 has taught me alot, I am rarely bored, and I would always choose to be individual and alone than conform to the majority simply for company."
Trese x