Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you can call me ceasar!

Dani: those last few posts made me laugh! lol thankyou for cheering up an otherwise miserable day :)

and to whoever is reading this..i have been a real downer today! its actually been really shit! my facebook horoscope told me this morning i would find out some big news today...and that i did! 
Laura found out she had glandge today...and i'm seriously devastated! but i feel bad for being devastated because i know that Laura's even more devastated than i am!

Her arsehole doctor also suggested that she drop out...yes 3 days before muck up day! arsehole right? Anyways i want her to be there for the countdown or i will seriously cry! So...i thought whats the best way to cheer her up even the slightest...take her aldi chocolate and triple mudcake ice cream! And yes! the people at Aldi officially think im world fattest miserable loser! but it was all worth it in the end!

i miss her sooo much and i dont like it when she's sick! it makes me upset!
anyways for the 25 of you whom have viewd this secret blog this is me and her at loz's 18th!

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Trese x